Caring in the Heart

938.01Each of us must take care that our desires in our hearts are addressed not to ourselves, but to others.

We have a large group. We must face each other and support each other. And then, although one falls a little, the other rises a little.

The Creator acts like this, alternately between us. Therefore, getting used to the fact that we constantly think about the general rise is our big job.

Question: Caring in the heart is caring for the group. I think about the group, I join the ten, and in addition, I try to include the ten in the group; that is, I try to combine these two things that are still separate. How correct is this direction?

Answer: A lot depends on habit. A habit is a special state of our internal properties that we perceive as given to us by nature. Therefore, we should try to behave as if our desires were directed toward each other. Even if this is not the case, we must do everything by force. And then from potential, it will turn into action.

Question: What should we do so as not to miss this moment and “grab the Creator”?

Answer: We need to constantly be in touch between our friends and the Creator. And the rest of our life should be an addition to this.

I see that everything is open before us, we just need to hold on to each other and the global Kli more strongly. This is enormous power! If we use it properly, we will succeed.
From the 1st part of the Lesson of the International Kabbalistic Convention “Opening Hearts” 10/01/23, Lesson 3 “Overcoming the Burdening of the Heart”

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