Our World Is a Persistent Hallucination

928Question: What is a hallucination in your understanding?

Answer: People have a lot of various brain disorders, including this one.

Kabbalah is pure materialism. From the point of view of Kabbalah, only what we perceive in our desire in an absolutely clear, sober form exists. Everything else are stray currents that can cause all sorts of states in our brain, in our desire, including hallucinations, but they do not have any reality.

Today, we do not know what “reality” means because we live in an unreal world. According to Kabbalah, our entire world is an illusion.

No wonder it is said that our world is made up by us, that it appears in our imagination. In fact, everything that exists in nature exists only in the property of bestowal, reciprocity, full regulation, and balance. And we, human beings, are in a state of imbalance.

That is, inanimate, vegetative, animate, and spiritual nature is in balance. Only we people, out of all this huge state, are in disequilibrium, and therefore, we feel ourselves and the surrounding world in the wrong state—distorted and ugly. In fact, we do not understand where we are and what is happening to us.

And when we truly attain the world in similarity to the property of bestowal, then we begin to understand that we have seen the world that has been imagined by us and has arisen in our incorrect, distorted imagination. But with regard to our state, when we perceive our world in a purely egoistic way, this distortion is permanent.

It looks like we have, for example, some kind of a problem in our computer, and it is permanent. You know that it exists, and you can somehow put up with it, keep working, and even take it into account. The same is true about us regarding all sorts of hallucinations, visions, and so on.

Therefore, our egoistic state is stable, because we perceive ourselves and the world in the desire to be filled and think only about ourselves. This state is concrete, dependent on matter, and real in relation to us.

And hallucinations are completely arbitrary currents wandering in the brain, and we cannot take them into account.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. A Hallucination” 8/20/11

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