Rise above Egoism

530Question: Is egoism some common quality in the group?

Answer: The distance between you in the group is your egoism. “Keep your distance”; you are here and I am there. Our group egoism does not allow us to connect. But as soon as we come closer to each other by some small percentage, then even more relative to each other we begin to feel the manifestation of the Creator between us.

Question: I am a very arrogant person in my life and I hate the distance between me and the people I need. But in the corporeal world, it looks like absorption. How can I come closer to friends in the correct way so that it is an act of bestowal?

Answer: To do this, you must feel what the other person wants, and what you have prepared for him to give, to delight, and to fill him.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 7/27/23, “According to the Sorrow, So Is the Reward”

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