Measure of Advancement toward the Goal

942Question: What are the changes that happen to us as a result of our spiritual work? How do we feel them and how are they manifested?

Answer: Changes happen in us to the extent that we come closer to each other. After all, it is in this case that we become similar to the Creator.

If we come closer to each other in the ten, we come closer to the Creator to the same extent. Then we can measure our coming closer to the friends with our coming closer to the Creator, and vice versa the nearing to the Creator is measured by the extent of our coming closer to each other.

Question: How can we keep the fact that we want to change at the boiling point?

Answer: We have to think about the goal all the time and calculate where we are relative to the goal: closer or further, higher or lower, together or not. In accordance with this, we will feel how much we are moving toward the goal.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 7/27/23, “According to the Sorrow, So Is the Reward”

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