Adapt to New Conditions

222Comment: According to Kabbalah, a person must change his nature. But it is not his fault that he developed in a completely different, egoistic way.

My Response: Who is asking him at all? There are necessary and sufficient conditions, like in mathematics. That is all.

After all, I am not asking: “Why was I born like this?” I can scream as much as I want, but it will not help. There is an upper plan, it is higher than me, I do not understand it.

Is nature changing its system of relationships between us now? Yes. It does not ask us. If you want, adapt to it, if you do not want to, you will become extinct like the dinosaurs. Why did they become extinct at their time? They did not adapt to the new conditions. The same thing happens to us.

Question: But the change itself does not depend on the person. He cannot bring himself to do it, can he?

Answer: What do you mean he cannot? He is given conditions that he can fulfill. This is evolution! The same evolution is happening to us, and we have to adapt to it.

What does evolution mean? When some conditions change and your organism has the ability to adapt to them, then you gradually change yourself in this way.

How have we changed over the course of history? Can you compare yourself to a primitive man? You have no idea how much you have changed! Of course, you basically have the same organs, but they work differently! The brain, the heart, and all the skills are completely different. I think even our eyes see in a slightly different range, and our ears hear in a different range.

Previously, a person probably captured both ultra and infra waves. He felt vibrations with his body that you do not feel. Like animals that run away from a tsunami or earthquake beforehand by feeling low-frequency waves coming from underground, so we once felt it.

I talked to Bedouins living in the Sinai. They determine by a cloud or by a flying bird that there is a bus 50 kilometers away coming in their direction. And indeed, soon it arrives.

We are transforming and changing all the time. This is evolution!

At the moment it is quite sharp: both psychological within a person and social around a person, as well as climatic and natural. All three parameters: me, society, and nature are changing, and we can adapt to them.

In principle, they change in order for us to adapt to them and move to the next level of our development. Nature will force us anyway! It will force us no matter how, even by a stick to happiness!

Therefore, it is better for us to obey, accept these conditions, and begin to adapt to them like a child who first acts, and then becomes smarter from this. But he acts instinctively: disassembles, assembles, and understands. Try to do the same and then you will start to understand and become higher!
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Mind is in Action” 8/19/11

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