Choose Connection

232.08Question: If one friend lacks the force of bestowal and the second one lacks the force of reception, then how can they balance each other?

Answer: They need to work together. It does not matter what force prevails in whom: bestowal or reception. The main thing is that they are connected with each other and with the general group. Then they will see what they need to do to create such a field, i.e., a Kli for the revelation of the Creator.

Question: How can both forces be balanced in order to make a choice in the direction of light? It often happens that one force is greater than the other.

Answer: We must always choose the side of bestowal and connection. This is our main task, this is where we need to be.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 7/28/23, “According to the Sorrow, So Is the Reward”

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