Updating Sensations

216.01Question: You say that you feel a certain, even physical need to study Kabbalah every day. Is there a kind of physical dependence and craving for receiving material daily?

Answer: Of course there is. I am sure that any scientist in any field feels this. When a person is intensively engaged in mental work, analysis, synthesis of data, and turning huge bits of information inside himself, then he naturally suffers without it.

If I am going on vacation, then I set myself up in advance for the fact that I am taking this week off. I am like an animal just walking, walking, walking. For me, a vacation is walking.

But I take a computer and some texts with me and I still work. I contact students, receive information, forward it, and write in my blog. I just need to physically shake myself up.

I sit in my office. And after a week’s rest, I have some other approach, some update.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Drug of a Kabbalist” 9/3/11

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