The Second Nature of a Kabbalist

962.3Question: In order to look adequate for the general mass of people, do you have to assume an image of an ordinary, regular person? Is there another nature within you?

Answer: The other nature that resides within me is an image parallel to me, which is in a state of love and connection with all human souls. There is no way to see it. You can imagine anything you want, each one to the extent of his development.

Comment: The spiritual is opposite to the material. If you are in spiritual attainment, then there are some things in you that can appear very strange to people.

My Response: It is possible. Quite right.

In an event that might seem frightening to ordinary people, I can see, on the contrary, the revelation of the next stage. For example, I greet the global crisis with great anticipation and great hope.

I want everyone to accept it correctly and adapt to it quickly. For me, this is truly a tremendous turning point for humanity; it is when it begins to change itself. It is the revelation of an already outgrown stage! Such an unknown state, uncertain time, marks the ascent to the next stage.

And the next stage is revealed to us as a global, integral, interconnected one; it obligates us to think about everyone together. It begins to show its new laws in the world. And we already see that our previous laws are no longer valid. It is necessary to adapt to some kind of next paradigm, and it is already beginning to manifest.

Kabbalah explains the methodology and practice of the new life that helps us ascend to the next state.

This state has never existed throughout billions of years of the existence of our universe and millions of years of human development.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Laitman ((as They don’t Know Him)” 8/27/11

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