The Entire Spiritual Path of a Person

216.02Comment: Baal HaSulam’s book Shamati (I Heard) is written logically, beautifully, and understandable for a person. But this text seems to be encoded because it speaks about something slightly different than what is written in the book.

My Response: Yes, but a person can discover this code. It cannot be passed on secretly from one person to another. One who can understand, understands. One who does not understand cannot do anything about it.

Put a dog next to a Kabbalist, what will it understand? It must first attain the qualities of a human, and then turn from a human into a Kabbalist.

It all depends on us. While we read Shamati, we feel this text differently due to our corrections, not because something exists in the text, but because everything exists in a person.

Let’s say you have a musical score in front of you. If you have a musical instrument, you can play it. If you understand the notes, you can sing without an instrument. But if you do not have an understanding of what these symbols are, what can you do?

Therefore, a person who constantly reads Shamati reveals more and more information in it. There is a deeper code in this book than we imagine when we first read it. It describes the entire spiritual path of a person.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Entire Spiritual Path of a Person” 7/9/11

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New Book – Shamati (I Heard)

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