How Can We Understand the Intricacies of The Book of Zohar?

249.01Question: What did Rashbi’s students, who wrote The Book of Zohar, want to convey to us?

Answer: The authors of The Book of Zohar tell us how our world works, how it receives governance and fulfillment from the upper world, and leads itself to equivalence, to a good connection with it.

Question: When someone writes a book, he tries to make it clear to everyone so that some kind of connection in the story is observed via cause and effect. And in the article “The Rose” of the Introduction of The Book of Zohar, at the beginning it is written about some kind of “rose,” then about the fact that the Almighty flew, then about some letters. Why are all three points seemingly not connected at all? They are like three different stories.

Answer: It all depends on the state the reader is in. We cannot imagine what a person feels who is in the sense of connection of the upper and lower worlds and receives this information.

Question: Did Rashbi’s students write specifically so that no one would understand anything?

Answer: No, they just saw it that way. In addition, The Book of Zohar is not written for beginners. Imagine a modern scientist who wants to describe some natural phenomenon. He uses formulas, names, and definitions that are understandable only to people like him. After all, Einstein’s theory of relativity is also not clear to anyone.
From KabTV’s “Introduction of The Book of Zohar” 6/4/23

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