Reason for the Persecution of the Jews

747.03Question: When in history did the persecution of Jews begin?

Answer: Antagonism began when the Jews themselves fell from their spiritual level. By this, they caused their persecution.

When the Jews are on a spiritual level, they are not even noticed or touched, or the opposite, they are approved, praised, and willing to learn from them.

Question: Were they treated like monks who lived in a separate commune?

Answer: It was a people who lived in their own territory that covered even Lebanon and Transjordan, on the other side of Jordan lived two huge tribes.

Question: But they were not attacked for no reason?

Answer: For example, King David on a spiritual level, waged constant wars for forty years. He understood that it was all purely external. But what could he do? Such is the period of correction of egoism.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Hatred of the Jews” 5/14/11

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