Let a Person Develop

568.01We must make efforts to create an environment where each and everyone could understand the general methodology, the general system, and the general structure of the world. Then a person slowly begins to develop.

At one time I was a very technical person. To this day I do not like watching feature films.

According to my mindset, I was interested in technology, electronic circuits, cybernetic inputs and outputs, feedback, and how it works: if I do this, then it will be in this way; and if I do that, then it will be in that way. That is what I lived for, it was clear to me. The planets, the orbits, and why this affects that, at what angle fascinated me. I saw the world through a system of connections, forces, and various orbits.

Eventually, today I came to a state where I deal, in principle, with feelings, the inner world of a person, although I remained in it practically with the same approach.

Look at how Baal HaSulam also has everything sorted according to standards: Sefirot, worlds, systems, and levels.

So, let people develop! After all, we are all on the ladder of development, each in his own place. We all need to help each other.

Kabbalists are trying to reduce suffering on the path of our development so that we are more pulled forward by sweet candy on a stick and not pushed from behind by all sorts of sharp stimuli.

Sharp stimuli are wars, sufferings, illnesses, and all kinds of problems that are undesirable in comparison with easy, pleasant, kind, and joint movement forward. Of course, it is a pity if suffering starts to shake the world even more.

This is our motivation.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Wooden Arm… Bony Leg” 7/9/11

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