Advertising: Psychological Manipulation

506.3Question: Why do I easily accept the desires of advertising, but I cannot feel the inner desires of people?

Answer: Because companies study what you would like to have and start creating ads that would exactly fit your desire using a bit of lies and leaving a little something unsaid.

Let’s say you have an initial desire for an iPhone, and the advertisers practically show you, “This is exactly what you need. This is what you really want. Think and have a look.”

They start spinning advertisements in front of you, showing successful men and beautiful women with iPhones in their hands. You start to feel like you want one too. That is, you get not only an iPhone, but you see yourself as lucky, well-dressed, and in the company of people like that. It is all psychological manipulation.

In Kabbalah we do not deceive, but turn to the more internal, deeper needs of a person. Food, sex, family, power, fame, money, and knowledge, we do not sell it. These are egoistic fulfillments. In principle, everyone has them in their natural form.

Therefore, advertisers simply shape them for a certain circle of society. They study society and thus sell unnecessary things.

If the thing were necessary, it would not have to be advertised. During a famine, you do not have to advertise bread. It is all clear. I remember how there was no advertising in the Soviet Union because there was nothing on the store shelves, one was struggling to buy anything there. But in America where there was an overproduction of goods, there was advertising, the purpose of which was to make people buy.

But now the people’s demand is gradually moving to other things. Therefore, we need to show them that we can sell such a product, that is, to give the advice they need.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. To Feel the Desires of Others” 7/28/11

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