Why Say “Creator” Instead of “God”?

237Comment: Ruslan asks: “Why do you not say as it is: ‘God’? You say ‘upper force,’ ‘Creator,’ or ‘nature,’ and not as they write everywhere else.”

My Response: I do not want to confuse people with what they have already heard before! “God, God!” What is God anyway?

Question: But still they say “God,” and you say “Creator.” What do you mean by “the Creator”?

Answer: The Creator is the one who creates, makes, constructs, and makes us and everything within us every minute. God, however, is some kind of force that fills the void around us.

Question: So are you worried that a person will perceive not what you want him to perceive when you say “God”?

Answer: God and the Creator do not evoke the same feelings in a person.

Question: What feelings do you want to evoke in a person when you say “Creator”?

Answer: It is a wise force that takes me by the hand like a little boy and leads me forward.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 5/22/23

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