There Is Nothing Outside of a Person

424.01Question: I have to give the world a method of correction, meaning, spread the knowledge that there is an alternative perception of reality. What will it give them? How does the process of their external correction occur?

Answer: By correcting others, I correct myself because they are parts of me. I simply perceive them as uncorrected because I am still like that, and so I have to make efforts to correct them outside of myself.

But the world is in me, the Creator is in me, and everything is in me. There is nothing outside of me. How can you say that something exists outside of you if you do not perceive it in your senses and do not imagine it inside yourself.

You see some kind of holographic picture in which your brain depicts to you as if something exists outside of yourself. Your brain is like a projector that projects everything outside to you, constructs various images within you: here is the sun, the stars, the clouds, this room, this is what I see through the window.

Question: Then why do elements like a lowlife exist? I do not like this quality.

Answer: This lowlife is in you! Therefore, correct yourself, and there will be no lowlife. It is intentionally given to you so vividly outside of you. When you see it from the outside, you have to realize that it is inside. This way you will treat it with even stronger hatred. Baal HaSulam writes this in the Introduction to The Book of Zohar.

However, it is useless to talk about it. It comes gradually.

Comment: But nonetheless, it is very interesting.

My Response: There is nothing interesting in this. Kabbalah is not concerned with satisfying curiosity, but with clearly instructing a person who wants to be corrected, and only in the state he is in, so he can do it practically.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. I am Surrounded by Freaks” 5/30/11

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