The Uppermost Tastes

243.04The reason why the will to receive must cascade by the four above-mentioned discernments in ABYA is that there is a great rule concerning the vessels: The expansion of the light and its departure make the vessel fit for its task (Baal HaSulam, “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah,” item 1).

Comment: This means that the light must first be revealed, then disappear, and when we ourselves want pleasure, then it will be possible to use this desire correctly. Please explain in more detail.

My Response: This is very simple. If I am a guest and I am offered something that I have never tried, then initially it does not awaken any desires in me. I do not want to eat it.

But if I succumb to persuasion, try it,  and begin to feel a delicious taste, smell, and texture, then the next time I am offered the same thing I no longer refuse. I know what it is; I have memories and impressions, and I accept the treat.

Therefore everything depends on how much we will develop the ability for spiritual perception in ourselves so that we can fulfill it and enjoy it as quickly as possible. This is what the Creator wants.

Question: In many sources, it is written about the taste of the Creator. It is even written: “Taste the Creator.” What is the taste of the Creator?

Answer: The quality of bestowal. This quality is the uppermost taste, when a person gives everything he can, contrary to his original desire to receive everything without exception. This causes him great pleasure, not from the fact that he bestows, but from the fact that he is similar to the Creator.
From KabTV’s “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah” 5/14/23

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