How Does a Kabbalist Act?

282.02Question: How does a Kabbalist act? Does he try to find someone to subjugate to instead of subjugating others?

Answer: The Kabbalist is looking for an opportunity to connect with others as much as possible in order to reveal the only, single upper natural force, the basis of all nature, the Creator, in this connection.  This single force is an absolute good, a quality of bestowal.

The Kabbalist reveals it through his methodology when he becomes similar to it. Here he is kind of a detector, a receiver. He captures this force, gives it the opportunity to exist within him, and changes his qualities from reception to bestowal and all egoistic intentions from for his own sake to for the sake of others.

As a result, it turns out that this single quality, which is concealed from us but permeates the entire universe, begins to manifest itself in him. By annulling his egoism, he ceases to be an obstacle to this force. Then it begins to pass and manifest itself through him as in any detector, any device, that becomes similar to some physical phenomenon and it manifests in it.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Manipulations of the Kabbalist” 4/22/11

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