Do Innovations Bring Happiness?

547.05Now we are still developing in the plane of our world. But gradually we complete this development, even the development of science. It just seems to us that all sorts of nano-technologies or some other things are coming. Gradually everything will fold up. The entire world will fold up.

We see that not a single scientific achievement, not a single scientific discovery, has given us anything!

What if now we can talk at a distance?! A person did not become happier because of it. He began to stuff himself with all sorts of toys. There is nothing in the movies or on TV. We just think that these are great opportunities.

Previously, people did not have these opportunities because their egoism did not require it. Yet they were happy in their own way. Is it not so? No, only now we are happy because we have a TV and a computer. We connect to the Internet and see an infinite number of windows. And then what?! It does not bring happiness!

Only the attainment of one’s mission, eternity, perfection, and harmony gives a person happiness. This is how we are created.

We cannot replace the fulfillment of our natural desire to reach perfection and eternity with some kind of surrogate when we look at pictures on TV or on the Internet. All the same, we remain empty, we die like animals, and that is all.

I do not criticize anything because all this is specially developed by humanity in order to somehow distract themselves from problems. But in the end, it still leads to problems in a roundabout way.

Kabbalah, in principle, encourages the development of everything that a person invents, because the rapid development of these “toys” leads to disappointment.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Travel in Time” 9/29/11

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