Connection with the Habitat

740.01Question: What is the basis for the creation of countries? Why are there a lot of different countries and not one common country?

Answer: Everything comes from Ancient Babylon, in particular the settlement of people according to their egoistic qualities.

In Ancient Babylon there were 70 spiritual roots of 70 tribes. But they were all connected by egoism, by one aspiration for the Tower of Babel.

When this system stopped working, everyone started to hate each other, and in order to not unite and not fight, they scattered all over the world: some to the east, some to the west. Later, the great migration of peoples happened again but after many centuries.

Question: If this phenomenon has roots, then why is it happening this way?

Answer: Every nation is drawn to a certain place! Let’s say, the Eskimos went north. It would seem that there is nothing to do there! Yet, they stuck to that earth and besides digging out some roots from under the permafrost and breeding deer, they have nothing else. But they still live there and do not want to change their habitat. That is it! They are simply stuck to it!

But when a person moves from place to place, he as if loses connection with his land, with his juices.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Dominance of America” 5/15/11

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The Spiritual Roots Of Nations And Peoples
Are There Countries In The Spiritual World?
Everything Proceeds From Spiritual Roots

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