Tourism in the 21st Century – A Journey Inside a Person

441The world has become so small that everything is close. Wherever you go, the same hotels and the same things are everywhere: squares, towers, houses—anything else except maybe museums.

I think everything is advancing toward the fact that tourism will drop. Firstly, because there is a crisis, there is no money.

Secondly because everything is on the Internet. You can also take a walk near your home. It seems to me that all this will change. We have built a huge number of hotels. I’ve been thinking for a long time: what will become of all this? Everything will be empty.

Question: But is tourism, in fact, the pursuit of various states?

Answer: Yes. Man has already developed and he goes deep into himself. Now tourism will become more domestic. I think that people will be attracted by internal changes in themselves, changes in internal states, instead of external ones like flying somewhere, walking around a city in groups, or watching something.

People will be more attracted by the journey inside themselves. This is interesting tourism.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. 21st Century Tourism” 11/24/12

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