Why Don’t We Remember How We Were Born?

537Question: Why don’t we remember how we were born? Why don’t we remember those torments? We subconsciously know that this has happened, but we cannot associate ourselves with it.

Answer: We can. We can go back and see ourselves being born in our mother’s womb. But what for?

Comment: Because in spirituality it probably gives a certain range of sensations.

My Response: There, as in our world, you feel and realize what you need at every moment and nothing more.

Question: Does a Kabbalist clearly remember the stage before the Machsom throughout all the steps?

Answer: No. Is nothing taken away from him and nothing given to him? Is he not inside a system that calls him according to a certain program? And how does he know the next step and what he should be in it? He does not know it.

Comment: I mean the past, suppose before the Machsom he remembers all this.

My Response: He may not know. It may fall out of his current sense of awareness. Just like you do not remember what happened a week ago on a certain day at a specific hour. And you can be reminded of this and, very seriously, to that extent that you will shudder.

So it is in Kabbalah. Not everything is open before you. Reshimot (informational spiritual records) rise and fall, rise into your consciousness or disappear again inside, and you do not use them.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Ideal Childbirth” 11/3/12

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