Participate In the Creator’s Program

935Everyone has to build a connection from a person to a ten, and from a ten to a wider circle, and even farther and farther, until we see the whole world united together in one group. This goal should be kept in front of oneself as a desirable state of the world. If we strive for it, we will undoubtedly move according to the Creator’s desire.

Although the world is in the exact opposite state, in hatred, wars, and separation, we need to disseminate this message and do everything possible to bring everyone to unity, starting from ten, from our point, until all of humanity is united as one person with one heart.

It may seem like an unrealistic dream, but we are not required to realize it, we just need to ask and join the program that the Creator implements. Every person and every ten must participate in it to the fullest.

The main thing is to achieve unity, promote it, and stay in it until it becomes the aspiration of the whole world. And the world will definitely turn in this direction; everything depends on us. We are at the central point of all of humanity, and we only have to want. If everyone puts pressure on their heart, then we will certainly succeed.

We want to come to bestowal, Lishma, and complete unification with the Creator. But we also want to see the whole world united, so that people understand that there is no other way beside only one global union for everyone. The Creator will help us reach such a state, and we will all, with the whole world, ascend in the attainment of the Creator upon spiritual degrees and thus fulfill our destiny.

As a result, everyone should know the Creator, “from the smallest to the greatest,” as it is said: “My house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples.” The house of the Creator is the desire to bestow that governs over everyone and connects everyone together through mutual ties. We need to disseminate this knowledge so that everyone understands; whether we want it or not, this is the program from above. And we live in the era of the last generation when it must be realized.

People should know that regardless of their desire, this happens according to the program of creation. And if now we feel states that are the opposite of this goal, then this is the path leading from Lo Lishma to Lishma that lifts us from the animate degree to the human degree, to the degree of the Creator.

And in fact, this is not such a distant goal. All this happens inside humanity, inside a person, and it does not take too many years and superhuman efforts. If we listen even a little and attune ourselves to this goal, then this change will happen in us.

You can win at the expense of quantity, but you can win on account of quality. Let’s try to win with quality if there are not so many of us quantitatively. But we need to make sure that there are many more people around us who will understand and agree that this is how it should be. And although they will not rise due to their own work, they will at least accept this idea. After all, every day it becomes more and more obvious that there is no other way out, and only if such a correction is made in us from above, we will be happy.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/19/23, “Connecting the World”

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