Incredible Possibilities

608.02When we reprogram ourselves from reception to bestowal, a completely new system is built. We begin to take into account others: their desires, intentions, and thoughts. They become more important to you than yourself because they are an object that you want to fill, and you view yourself as only an instrument of filling them.

At the same time, you must reach a state where you enjoy filling them, and doing it above the huge egoism and hatred that is revealed between you; meaning, you build love over hate.

And all this should happen consciously, actually, when you are making great efforts to change yourself internally, to create completely different values in yourself, the values of bestowal and love, specifically above hatred.

As a rule, you are indifferent to our world and you find it disgusting. There are several people for whom you have a heartfelt feeling and there are several others for whom you have a pleasant feeling, only because you use them for your egoism. And your attitude to everyone else is as follows, from indifference to neglect and petty, everyday hatred of our world.

When you are engaged in spiritual transformation, you will not feel your neighbor as a loved one. No! You will constantly reveal that this is your hater and always have to build a connection above the degrees of hatred and rejection. 125 degrees is the thickness of your egoism, which will grow all the time, and over them you need to constantly create absolutely complete connection and love.

Love is when all the desires and aspirations of a neighbor, everything that he wants, you supply to him with all your heart, despite the disgusting attitude burning in you toward him. In our world, these are incredible opportunities that a person must find and begin to display toward others.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. A Man Without a Soul” 10/6/12

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Love Is The Fulfillment Of The Desires Of The Other
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The Stages Of Love Of Others

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