In One Spiritual Field

547.06Comment: You have several students who regularly sleep in class. No matter what you do, they sleep.

My Response: That is their nature. For them, this is a normal state. There is nothing you can do here. It does not bother me.

Question: But you keep saying: “Wake each other up.” Does this apply to such states?

Answer: No, it does not apply to this! If they do this chronically, then they cannot do otherwise. They participate in all events: seminars, congresses, in everything, so I have no complaints about them.

Comment: I once tried to wake a person during a lesson to no avail.

My Response: He is internally disconnected anyway. He does not hear the lesson. He cannot concentrate or catch this wave like a radio receiver. It is necessary to give a person the opportunity to be present. If he cannot do it any other way, so be it.

Why do you think that he gets nothing out of it? He exists together with his friends in the same spiritual field, and this is his maximum participation.

Such is his state.

I do not want to compare him to an animal, he is no worse than us but bring a dog or a cat, they will nap next to you. This is the normal state of the animal organism: when it does not have to make an effort, it is napping.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Light Lulls the Body” 10/20/12

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