How Can We Understand the Essence of Obstacles?

549.02Question: How can you see the Creator in all obstacles?

Answer: Only a group can help you with this, which must keep you in this state all the time.

But how can you decipher what comes to you? How can you work with an obstacle? First, we study it, and then a person goes inside himself.

Why do we conduct workshops, talks, have questions and answers, and read articles? After all, they describe all our work. Of course, when a person goes through various states, he begins to understand that this is something that he has not previously imagined.

But then, by reading the primary sources in each new state, he begins to understand what it was about. This is always later, he does not feel it in advance, and then he sees what is written in them really happens.

This is the highest psychology, a gradual, gentle transition to the next level, to the next dimension. Or do you want nature to do what it usually does? That is, a species dies out, and another appears in its place. This could be so. Today we are faced with a choice.

Question: Why do we begin to understand and realize everything later and not immediately?

Answer: If you knew in advance, you would egoistically want to go for it. How is that possible?! And now you understand with your new thoughts and mind. You used to read the same thing, but now you feel it in a new way because new properties, new sensors, new sensations, assessments, and internal dimensions were born in you. You start to study yourself from a new level.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. How to Use Obstacles” 12/1/12

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