Periods of Development of the Earth and Humanity

712.03Question: What is the meaning of the period of our existence on Earth as if being in a dream?

Answer: This stage is similar to those periods that nature has gone through in the development of the Earth. It all began with periods of geological development when there were no plants or animals and only inanimate matter was developing. For millions of years, the Earth gradually exploded and cooled, exploded and cooled.

Baal HaSulam writes that such periods alternated every 30 million years, when the Earth ignited like a fireball and then cooled, and again ignited for 30 million years—lava and hot streams rose from below, the earth’s crust exploded again and cooled again.

This continued until the conditions for the development of life appeared. This stage lasted several billion years.

And then, for millions of years, vegetative life was born. Then for hundreds of thousands of years animal life, and then man.

Naturally, all these periods successively shortened, as they passed along the axis of the natural logarithm. From about the period of 2.67 such a reduction in time began to occur.

The same correspondence between the first (inanimate), the second (vegetative), the third (animate), and the fourth (human) development exists in any segment. If we take any of them, it will be similar to the general one, as in a holographic picture.

Now we are at the stage of only preliminary awareness of the evil of our nature. But we see to what extent time becomes more compressed, how it is being more and more compressed from year to year.

I think that over the next few years we will come close to the need for a singular transition—a leap in our understanding, awareness, sensation, and in the internal restructuring of each of us and all of us together, in the need to make an internal revolution and feel, see, and realize where we really are.

Then we will reveal a different world, which will be revealed to us as eternal, perfect, and infinite. After all, when a new vision of the world is revealed to you, everything is rebuilt in you.

Imagine that from this moment onward you begin to feel that you exist eternally, endlessly and to what extent your attitude toward yourself, toward the world, toward life, toward people, toward everything would change. We cannot not imagine it, but such a restructuring of consciousness will take place and change everyone.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. A Dream 400 Years Long” 4/7/12

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