Help with Love

559Question: When someone falls spiritually, we have to support each other along the way. You say a person must go through these states. What is the limit of our intervention?

Answer: There is no limit. If you are doing it with love, there are no prohibitions. To support means to help with love. If you think about the benefit of a friend and do not think that he is being punished for his benefit, then everything will be fine.

Question: Suppose a person cannot wake up for a lesson. Where is the fine line between the fact that I have to bring him to class and the fact that I will harm him by doing that?

Answer: It is necessary to treat such situations very delicately, to try to be gentle with your friends.

I was not always successful with that. I remember I got very irritated, I could not stop myself. “How is it possible not to get up for the lesson?” One day, another day, and the same every time. You wake up the friend. “That’s it, that’s it, I’m getting up,” he shouts from the balcony, and ten minutes later, it turns out that he fell asleep even more soundly. And how to wake him up? You no longer know what to do. I tried everything. Of course, it was wrong, I was still a beginner then. But all this was not simple.

Our entire path is not easy. Now it is much easier because the masses create the corresponding field, and it is already easy for every beginner, he feels that there is such an action in the world, such an opinion, such a desire, such a relationship. There are already talks about it: something is soaring somewhere.

Today it is so easy compared to what it used to be! Before, it seemed quite the opposite. It was very hard! I think the support is getting better and better every day.

Question: How can I not to give in to the misconception that I am doing good for another person to overpower what is not worth doing?

Answer: Nothing will help! Until a person is corrected, nothing will help.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Pull out the Friend“ 3/11/12

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