What Will Prevail: Good or Evil?

157Question: Why is the situation in the world constantly getting worse?

Answer: I do not think it is getting worse all the time. We just start demanding something more from the world because we are developing. If we look at the current examples of world politics, we see that people are already beginning to understand that you cannot throw bombs, you need to somehow talk to each other.

I think the world is sobering up in some ways and starting to understand better how ugly it is and how much it needs to change.

Question: What will happen in five years? In ten? In fifteen?

Answer: I hope it will be good. People will understand that they have no other choice: they will either destroy each other or encourage each other. We live in a state where we have to decide what will prevail: good or evil. The need for this decision is already facing us.
From KabTV’s “Blitz Questions and Answers” 1/6/23

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