Hidden Calculation

559This means that after this law of the will to receive pleasure has been imprinted in us, we define ourselves by the name “operation” (Baal HaSulam, The Study of the Ten Sefirot, Part 1, “Inner Observation,” Chapter 5, Item 22).

After the law of egoism has been imprinted in us, we act only for the sake of our ego. Therefore, it takes great strength, diligence, and perseverance to understand how we can correct it to the opposite. Although the Creator is waiting and ready to help us in this.

Receiving for one’s own sake brings death to the bodies and every kind of torment and labor to the soul.

Question: Why is receiving for one’s own sake the cause of death?

Answer: It is because a person sees that he does not reach fulfillment. Eventually, this leads him to death, to exhaustion.

Comment: But there are still some fulfillments. People are receiving pleasure.

My Response: These pleasures are intended only so that we do not part with life. Just for that. But this calculation is hidden from us. If we clearly saw how much we enjoy and how much we suffer, we would not want to live.
From KabTV’s “The Study of the Ten Sefirot (TES)” 12/18/22

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