You Cannot Click through Life

922Comment: They say that today we live in a world of instant gratification. You order something and already demand it to be here. You cannot stand to wait in line, you hate it. Traffic jams are even worse; I want to get to my destination right away.

Do you remember how it used to be with photography back in the days? You first insert the film, then roll it, then you take a shot. You ask that no one moves; otherwise, it would be out of focus. You do not develop it until you have used up the whole film. Developing photos was also a process.

Life was different, and all the time, in every moment, there was anticipation, expectation.

My Response: Yes, you participated in the process.

Question: And today, you click and instantly take a photo. Then you take it again. Tell me, what have we lost with all these clicks?

Answer: Creativity. We do not participate in the process, in the creation. We cannot influence it. We just click, click, click, and nothing else.

Question: So are we going to click through our whole lives?

Answer: And we do. Before, we could bring our own colors into it, touch up on it. In general, do everything. The photograph itself was artistic. Because you tuned the settings, the mechanism, added a little bromine to the developing liquid, and so on. It was creative.

Question: And you enjoyed being a part of this process?

Answer: As a boy, I really enjoyed being in the process. I would not want it to be automated.

Question: So, this very special moment of pleasure is lost?

Answer: Yes. And when you printed photos from film to paper, you took matte, or smooth, or glossy paper, and chose different parameters. It was all an expression of your feelings. It is missing here.

Question: Why is this happening? Why was this moment of pleasure taken from us?

Answer: We have replaced the world of creativity with the world of machines. As we are, so is the world.

Question: Why? What happened to us?

Answer: The world has dried up. There is no literature in it. There is no art the way it used to be. It all remained in the 18th to 19th century.

Comment: And classical music stayed there too.

My Response: Yes, everything stayed there. And today, there is none of it.

Question: Why? Do we not want to enjoy?

Answer: Man is becoming mechanical.

Question: Then I ask you to speak on behalf of the upper force. Upper force, why do you do such things to us? What for?

Answer: I will answer you on behalf of the upper force. “First, so that you realize the bleakness of your existence, the lowliness of your existence—and want to change it.”

Comment: But You created us like this, upper force!

Answer: “That is correct. I did. And I created you this way specifically for you to choose the right way of life.”

Question: Couldn’t we have been initially placed into the right way of life?

Answer: “No way! Or you would have been a machine. But now you have a choice between this and that. And I want you to exist in this choice and gradually choose the optimal existence in which you would be like Me for yourself .”

The upper force has a program, a goal! Everything is prepared.

But the fact is that to become like the Creator means to become absolutely kind, absolutely loving toward everyone, and so on. Here, on the contrary, a person must cultivate anti-egoistic qualities within himself.

Question: So that is all the upper force wants from us? Is that the only thing, the most important thing?

Answer: The only one!

Question: How should we treat this? What should we do? Love?

Answer: First of all, we completely disagree with this.

Comment: Of course, I do not agree with suffering.

My Response: Yes. But I see that if I am thinking sensibly, then I will probably not have any other choice but to agree with You.

Question: Are you already talking to the upper force on behalf of humanity?

Answer: Yes.

Question: So should I agree?

Answer: In the end, yes. And if we create such a society, such connections among us where we support this idea, it will be very easy for us, and we will quickly reach this state.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 8/25/22

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