In the Vice of the Upper Purpose

962.3Question: What is holding you in a vice so that you do not move either here or there and act according to your goal?

Answer: The importance of the goal. What else is there in this world except to get out of it into the upper world and connect the elements of all the worlds together? The task of a person is to reach attainment, enlightenment, and fulfillment. But these are just accompanying processes.

The most important thing is revelation of the single force, the feeling that you are filling the entire system of the universe.

Question: How did you build these frameworks for yourself, these rules that do not allow you to move either to the right or to the left?

Answer: I just accepted everything, and I have continued to do so ever since. Like senile forgetfulness, I forgot that there is another way.

But seriously, this is constant daily work on yourself. The most important thing is to have a goal. A person must create around himself an entire system of obstacles or protectors that will not let him out.

I have to work on my blog; I have to give lessons, answer questions, and appear in several programs a day; I have a thousand meetings, rechecking texts and so on. So I have no other place—that’s it!
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. How Do You Protect Yourself?” 6/25/13

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