Happy Repentance (Teshuva)

962.3Repentance (Teshuva) is the main content of the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) because this is the main thing we need to do to return to the place, to the state, in which we existed before the sin of Adam. This is our goal and purpose, our duty to return to exactly the place where we were and then fell.

We were all in adhesion with the Creator, inside Him like an embryo in mother’s womb. Then we fell from this stage of adhesion into our egoism, and now we have to return from one pole to the other.

After all, now everyone thinks only about himself and cannot think about anyone else unless it is profitable for him. However, we are not able to take care of others selflessly, simply love and help each other by giving ourselves to others.
In order to return to the state we were in, we need to change our egoistic nature, which we received as a result of the shattering and separation, as a result of falling from that high place.

Rabash writes: “Repentance refers to Adam HaRishon prior to the sin being adhered, but became removed because of the sin. Hence, each and every one, because he is a part of the soul of Adam HaRishon, must approach spirituality once more,” that is, return to its root, to the state where he was before the sin.

This is an extremely exalted state where we are inside the Creator and adhered to Him like an embryo inside the mother. It is impossible to even imagine such an exalted state, but we must come to it and we certainly will. That is why we are so happy to be in a group that is learning and yearning to implement this return, and we are firmly confident that we will reach it soon.

First of all, we need to study what thoughts and feelings dwell in us today, and then we will learn how to correct our heart and mind in order to come closer to the state we were in before sinning, before falling and distancing from the Creator. How did it happen that we fell from spirituality as if there was a miscarriage and the mother lost the child? The same thing happened to us when we fell and were distanced from the Creator. But today, we have a happy opportunity to return back to Him!
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/4/22, “Yom Kippur—The Day of Atonement”

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