First Intention Then Action

627.2Question: What is the difference between thought and action? We always judge people by their actions, but thoughts practically produce the same actions. Let’s say a person wants to kill someone, we do not judge him by his thoughts.

Answer: In our world, we judge a person by actions, and in the spiritual world by thoughts. That is the difference. Therefore, we must correct our thoughts, as they say, intention.

Comment: Surely people do terrible things in their thoughts! They would have killed each other already.

My Response: This is why we are below the level of the spiritual world; we do not have its forces; otherwise, we would have taken this force and destroyed the entire world. But you are given the opportunity to have it only to the extent that you can make correct use of it and not in any other case.

The spiritual program is created in such a way that there is always an intention first and only then an action. Therefore, as soon as you may have some bad action and a bad intention before it, you immediately fall from this degree and do not have the strength to move on.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Thoughts and Actions” 9/8/13

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