An Intention Without An Intention

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: If our primary goal is to achieve an inner connection, then why do we still have to start from a physical contact which the upcoming convention may help us establish?

Answer: What else can be done if you still don’t have the correct intention? You should perform actions without the intention! You will be like a child who is running back and forth. His actions are similar to our deeds that lack intention. However, gradually, a child becomes smarter and adds an intention, meaning sense to his actions.

The same can be said in regards to our actions and the convention itself: Whatever is in your power, do it! Not doing anything is the worst thing of all. You are unable to add the intention to your actions? But if before every action you admit that you can’t add the intention to it, it will become your intention! It will become a prayer.
From the 4trh part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/10/10, “The Love for the Creator and Love for the Created Beings”

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