A Consequence of Spiritual Attainment

219.01Question: If we focus on something, we plunge headlong into it and we cannot get out of it. Yet, you say that you are already in everything without sinking into it the way we do.

How do you manage to be in everything simultaneously and at the same time your head is not clogged?

Answer: It is just my whole life. During the recording of any program, the moment when I am asked a question, I am already inside this topic. To do this, I do not need to delve into anything.

When I was at university, we had a professor whom we respected very much. He would come to a lecture, pull out a small piece of paper from his breast pocket, look at what he had to say according to the plan, put it back, and speak for 15 – 20 minutes. He would finish one topic, then again pull out a piece of paper to find out the next topic, and again begin to speak.

That is, on the one hand, he had a clear plan, which is very important for students. On the other hand, we saw that he knew all the material and just needed to remember the order of the presentation. That is all.

I am the same. Only I do not have to make a plan because the students do it for me. I come to the lesson, and they say: “We want to study such and such topics.” And we study them. Then they ask questions, and it makes no difference to me which ones. They ask me about the world I live in. What trouble do I have to talk about it?

Question: It means that you have a clear approach to things, everything is structured, everything is clear, and you do not need to overshadow your mind with some tasks that a person can deal with for years.

Answer: This is called attainment. This is not the knowledge of our world when you know some facts. There is nothing in our world, including even bread, milk, and water with which we have such a connection as happens in the spiritual world.

In the spiritual world, you attain the essence of things, and therefore it is yours. When you are asked about something, you know from the inside what it is, from the moment when it originated, developed, reached its current state, and further goes into the future to its final state.

You know everything about any objects, forces, qualities, and events. Therefore, there are no problems. This is called spiritual attainment because it is above time, space, and movement. It is just common because it is integral.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. A Man in the State of Attainment” 7/21/13

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