If the Body Is Uncomfortable

559Question: How does a Kabbalist look at states that seem uncomfortable in egoism?

Answer: He simply analyzes them like a researcher who studies himself and tries to assess all his states as objectively as possible, and most importantly, how in each state to achieve maximum connection with the Creator, with the upper force, because everything depends on it.

The more we attract the Creator, the faster we go through all the states. This is all our work.

I either try to get closer to the Creator in order to move faster, and this is an egoistic path of spiritual development, albeit a spiritual one, or I try to do it to please Him, to express my love for Him, in which case my enjoyment is the feeling of enjoyment that I evoke in Him.

And then I check whether I can do the same actions in relation to Him without feeling pleasure from it so that it does not bribe me and does not reward me.

If I can do it without a reward, this is already a good stage. Or maybe I should receive pleasure in order to please Him even more. In general, there are various further steps.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. If the Body Is Uncomfortable” 8/6/13

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Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 10/14/22

Preparation to the Lesson

[media 1] [media 2]

Lesson on the Topic “Ushpizin Aaron – Sefirat Hod”

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Selected Highlights

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“What advice do you have for women to stay calm after giving birth?” (Quora)

Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: What advice do you have for women to stay calm after giving birth?

After giving birth, I think that the best would be for a woman to be among other women, like it was in the days of our grandmothers—that a woman lives among women, in an extended family.

Then, she goes through her states more naturally. She receives explanations, has a laugh here and there, and goes through the flows of life.

That is much better than staying at home alone. Loneliness is the source for all the different kinds of stress that women go through in such states.

Today, also, due to the Internet, women can find communities that suit her, to get answers, ask questions, have talks, and watch movies.