The Upper Light Is the Guarantor of Spiritual Connection

938.04Question: There are different types of connections between people in the world. What is the difference between them and Kabbalistic connection? Why don’t they work the same way as in Kabbalah?

Answer: Because that is not the kind of connection that attracts the upper light.

There are many connections in the world. Various socialist, national socialist, Nazi, communist, collective farms, kibbutzes, and other unions do not attract the upper light, which would correct and elevate people. These connections are located and end at the earthly level.

And for spiritual connection, it is necessary to attract the upper light. Otherwise, all our efforts and attempts will end at the degree of this world. We see how any currents arise, be they fanatical, religious, social, political, or whatever. They flare up and extinguish. Each has its own expiration date. But all of them are slowly forming humanity, which is working out its social resource.

And all these movements, wave after wave, gradually lead humanity to despair. Who believes in any movements today, in new parties? Everyone understands that all this is a corrupt thing, all this is from egoism, all this will end if not today then tomorrow, just wait.

We see that everything is getting old. Even such fundamentalist movements in which billions of people are involved and which feed each other with fanaticism, hatred, and irritate themselves from the inside, still slowly slide off their peak and can’t do anything about it because egoism takes its toll. Its form should be transformed into the final one.

These currents do not understand that the final form is set and they will still be obliged to come to it. So they are not going anywhere! As a result, all their plans will be ruined.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call, Correct Connection“ 5/12/13

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