Inside of Nature

720We do not need proof to understand that nature is intelligent, because we exist inside the laws of nature, inside its rules, inside immutable or changing parameters. We ourselves are the consequences of these laws and rules.

So we do not have to prove anything, we are inside of it. You cannot tear yourself away from life, from the sun, the air, the grass, and the trees, even when you are in other places or on other planets. You cannot take yourself out of the context of nature, because you are an integral part of it.

When we study inanimate, vegetative, and animate nature, we see that they are governed by its general law, which leads them to a certain goal, a certain type, to birth, death, and so on.

If we look at ourselves, we do not feel this law. We can only guess about it, because it is above us, higher than we are. But the fact that this is a single law, the only one that dominates us, almost unceremoniously governs us without asking our consent, is evident at every step.

That is, you cannot speak of nature as something below yourself. Eventually, you are included in it as a small, insignificant unit.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 5/21/22

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