Pharaoh—The Matter of the World

275Question: Sometimes it is said that Pharaoh is smart and cunning, and sometimes it is written that he is stupid. What is he really like?

Answer: Pharaoh is the nature of the whole world, and not only ours but all the worlds. It is a desire that needs to be corrected and will then be in a state of complete adhesion with the Creator.

Question: Why is it said that he is stupid and old?

Answer: This is said in relation to the attainments of man. He is stupid because he does not have his own knowledge, his own fulfillment, and his own power. And everything that comes to him comes from the quality of bestowal.

But teaching the desire to receive, which the Creator created, the qualities of bestowal and the qualities of receiving is the Pharaoh’s mission, his work. Everything we have comes from Pharaoh. The light of the Creator passes through Pharaoh, builds the entire universe, performs all actions. But it is by passing through the system called Pharaoh.

So, do not neglect Pharaoh. Scientifically speaking, Pharaoh is the matter of the whole egoistic world.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 4/14/22

Related Material:
Pharaoh—The Property Of Egoism
The Good And Evil Pharaoh

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