“Egyptians”—Material Pleasures

629.4Question: It is said in the Torah that Moses kills an Egyptian. What does this mean in spiritual work?

Answer: Moses kills the desire in himself that keeps him in a state of complete egoism, called “Egypt.” By getting rid of this desire, Moses becomes free.

Question: Your teacher Rabash writes that “Egyptians” means material pleasures. What are these pleasures?

Answer: Everything you do for yourself and enjoy. This is the basis of your existence. But gradually such an intention is killed in you because you think and strive only to rise above self-gratification in order to remain in a state of bestowal and love for everyone else.

Question: Is self-gratification bad? After all, it is natural, it is our nature.

Answer: This is natural, but wrong because it closes us within ourselves, and we are not able to feel the full universe.

If the pleasures do not close me within my limits so that I think only about them, if my life consists of rising above earthly pleasures into the pleasures of bestowal and love, which are called spiritual pleasures, when I enjoy filling others, then my work, my efforts only bring me closer to the Creator.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 4/19/22

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“To Kill The Egyptian” In You
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“To Kill The Egyptian” In You

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