Under The Harsh Compression Of Nature

765.1Question: You have repeatedly said that there is no coercion in spirituality. Why does nature put so much pressure on us?

Answer: The fact is that you will not be dragged along the spiritual path by force, but the suffering will make such a “cutlet” out of you, that in the end you will come to this path yourself. First of all, there must be awareness.

Coercion means I don’t explain anything to you, I don’t bring you to the need for awareness, I don’t engage with you at all, I just force you to do something. When you have one desire and I have another and I force my desire on you, this is coercion.

There is no such thing in nature. Suffering forces us to change our desire, to realize it as evil, and to understand that I need something else. Therefore, it is said that there is no coercion in nature. But this is the most terrible hard compression. Don’t we see how we are built and what our life is like?

Now we are entering a very difficult final period, the period of the Mashiach. “Mashiach” from the word “Limshoch” – “to pull out.” This is the period when we will be dragged from our current stage to the next. And since it is the opposite of us, the transition will be very painful, nature will press us, and strongly.

Therefore, Kabbalah, which has been hidden for all millennia, is revealed today, to relieve this transition for us. It explains the nature of our existence in this last final state and how we should change ourselves inversely.

Kabbalah tells a person about the goal, toward what he should develop. And this goal is absolute, we will not get away from it. Therefore, it is better to take it into account.
From KabTV’s “Close-Up. Fire Island” 1/1/10

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