Beautiful Sport And Beautiful Life

737.01Comment: In one of the clips you said that sports should become different. Competition should be directed toward unity.

Vladimir writes: “In order to be better, and especially to be the best, it is necessary to suppress everyone and be stronger both physically and psychologically, and particularly mentally. I am talking about sports as a former athlete and an acting coach.”

My Response: This is true in the sports that exist now because it is the result of the egoistic world. However, if we are talking about a new world, then sports should be different there, only in order to improve the health of a person and create correct and kind connections between people. The competition will be in this.

Question: Then who is the strongest?

Answer: The one who can most influence the world in a good way in order to show how it is possible to change the world for good. He is the champion.

Question: Will there be envy and competition here, the way it exists in sports?

Answer: It exists everywhere. Competition is about being really the most effective in creating a good connection between everyone.

Question: Do we need to radically change the entire system of today’s sports, the Olympic Games and all the championships?

Answer: Yes. Even all the games between people that are based on competition or on one team being against another should be in the completely opposite direction; everything should be inverted.

Question: What are two teams competing with each other for?

Answer: They do not compete with each other. They compete in order to help each other clearly express themselves and their aspirations for unification.

The team that played more consistently and correctly together wins. The score is not based on points, who scored and who did not, but on how one team played together against another.

Question: Nowadays popular sports are martial arts, boxing, and fights without rules.

Answer: I do not think it is possible to explain here in a simple way what the future of these sports is. All these are Greek and Roman things that have reigned in the world for thousands of years. I think they have no future.

Although in the ancient Olympic games a friendly attitude was welcomed. At least, there was no talk of pills, injections, and other things. Not because they did not exist, but because the spirit was different.

Question: How can I win in a clean way?

Answer: Practically, it is not to win, but to demonstrate the beauty and capabilities of the human body.

Question: What will we come to?

Answer: We will come to the fact that we will be demonstrating that the actions of the Creator were kind, good, and we want to support Him in this. The way a father looks at his children and they show him that he made them externally and internally beautiful.

The beauty of sports will be in the fact that we want to demonstrate our good intentions, our kindness, and our inner beauty. It absolutely will not be about being fastest, strongest, and so on.

Question: Is this just because our father is looking at us, and he wants to see us like this?

Answer: Yes, this is the most important thing: how can we give Him pleasure from His creations with completely different thoughts, completely different intentions, and completely different results. Everything is different. Everything will exist, only in a different way.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 11/4/21

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