“Is Kabbalah Accepted By Judaism?” (Quora)

Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: Is Kabbalah accepted by Judaism?

Kabbalah is the wisdom of the revelation of the Creator, the system of the attainment of the upper revelation, a sublime truth and superior knowledge. Religion deals with none of that.

A religious person must know how to follow rules and live within their boundaries. Kabbalah, however, leads to the attainment of the upper world.

Kabbalah is not a religion, but a science. It does not relate to religions, beliefs, extrasensory methods, or even Judaism. Orthodox Jews will commonly answer the question, “Do you know the wisdom of Kabbalah?” by saying that not only do they not know it, but they think that there is no need to know it. And the response will be correct, as the wisdom of Kabbalah is unnecessary for those who are occupied with religious rituals.

Moreover, the wisdom of Kabbalah intensifies both the desire to receive and the desire for knowledge, based on self-awareness and the attainment of the upper world. Religions, however, are built on self-restriction and abstemiousness.

Based on “The Kabbalah Experience” by Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman.

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