The Only Criterion For Advancement

528.01Question: We detach from the ten from time to time, then re-enter it, and the frequency with which we do it is an indication of the quality of our work. According to which criterion can we measure it?

Answer: With regard to the ten and to the Creator who is in it!

I am constantly connected to them for this is my soul and it is with this that I advance in life. Physically I work, I care for my family, I participate in all kinds of corporeal events, but internally, I constantly feel that I am holding on to the ten and to the Creator who is in it. This is my only criterion.

Question: What if I have a certain ten today and another tomorrow?

Answer: It makes no difference. All the tens will eventually unite into one. On the whole, everything that was created will unite into one single ten, including nature, the still, the vegetative, and animate levels.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah” 2/12/19

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