Do I Exist?

537Question: What would you answer if you were asked what is the thought that you would like humanity to remember?

Answer: That there is really only the Creator and nothing but Him.

The Creator is nature, the upper force of nature, the upper intelligence of nature, only He exists and nothing but Him.

Question: Are the people everything? Us?

Answer: There is none of this.

Question: What about this thought?

Answer: This is the central, global thought and plan of all of nature.

Question: Why is it necessary for a person to come to this thought?

Answer: So that he would hear it, begin to explore it somehow, and come to it himself. This is very valuable.

Question: Do I exist? The one who thinks that there is a Creator?

Answer: No. There is none else besides Him.

Question: No one else but the Creator? Is this a law of nature?

Answer: Yes.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 3/29/21

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