Recording Of The Spiritual Program

526The Book of Zohar, VaYetse, Item 13: King Solomon established his book on seven Havalim [Hevel means “breath vapor,” as well as “vanity,” “futility”] on which the world stands. These are the pillars and ledges that form the existence of the world, and this is why they are called Havalim.

The seven Sefirot, the seven parts, the seven desires, of the soul, by turning from egoistic into altruistic, become the pillars on which the spiritual world stands.

As the body cannot exist without Hevel, the world exists only on Havalim [plural of Hevel]. There are seven of them, as it is written, “Hevel Havalim [vanity of vanities] says Kohelet; Hevel Havalim, all is Hevel [vanity],” thus seven Havalim.

Comment: But the word Hevel is repeated only five and not seven times.

My Response: No. The fact is that the word “Havalim” is plural. Each of them is two. This is what The Book of Zohar says. It is written Hevel Havalim (vanity of vanities). “Havalim” means two.

Question: It is like a mathematical riddle. Why is everything concealed so much?

Answer: No, it is not concealed; it is just that there are double parts that need to be treated this way. After all, everything that is originally written in The Book of Zohar or in the Torah is a purely mechanical and very accurate record of all our consecutive states of cause and consequence, a step-by-step movement that we must go through one after another. This is usually how a program is written.

I remember when I started studying cybernetics, the first time I was very surprised at how programs were written. You record one movement after another as it should happen in a computer.

Thus, this is a record of the work of our soul, that is, our inner computing center, which understands only one thing: pleasure or suffering, plus or minus, and the difference between them relative to its complete saturation, the perfect state that is set ahead.

The Torah, from the word “Hora’ah” (instruction) is a program according to which we work at each degree, line by line, letter by letter. Therefore, you cannot change the letters and words in it. This is a consistent text because it tells us how we go from our world through all 125 degrees to our full, final, perfect state.

Therefore, when you start reading it, the words, their meaning, their singular or plural form, their masculine or feminine form, the letter combinations, and so on become important for you.

After all, all this has a meaning in the program. There are all sorts of elements in the letter. The order of the letters indicates the transition that you must make from your current state. Each letter is a symbol, a block, a matrix of your particular state.

Let’s say that one moment I can explain my condition with one letter and the next moment with another. If I make a word out of these letters, it tells me what kind of final inner changes I accomplish through a certain number of changes. And then I move on to the next one, and so on.
From KabTV’s “The Power of The Book of Zohar” #12

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