Mental Analysis And Sensory Analysis

565.01Question: Could we say that the true-false analysis is conscious and sweet-bitter is not?

Answer: Yes, the sweet-bitter analysis is natural, unconscious, while true-false analysis depends on my development.

Question: Can society impose it on me?

Answer: Thousands of reasons can influence this. Mental analysis can be affected by many means. And it is very difficult to influence feelings because they are corporeal. It is possible, of course, but it is a long process, like a person getting used to some tastes, smells, or sights.

He seems to be entering a different mentality. Let’s say, when we move to another country, we cannot agree with things there but gradually get used to them, and they enter our nature.

We begin to feel: this is pleasant, this is unpleasant; this is sweet, this is bitter, and all this happens because the body is getting used to it. Just like pets get used to what we teach them.

That is, there are two types of analysis in us, and the only question is how we reconcile them with each other. The most important thing is to teach a person to try to develop his mental, rational analysis all the time so that he would explore the sensory one and understand whether something is really good or not. After all, what I do may be sweet but harmful, and it may be bitter but useful.

Comment: Let’s say you tell me now that in order to reveal the Creator I must connect with my friends in the group. Revealing the Creator, I contemplate, is a pleasant sensation for me, but uniting with friends is a bitter one.

My Response: To reveal the Creator for me now is very bitter. It is a feeling of absolute love, absolute connection, absolute concern for others. The Creator is hiding from us precisely because otherwise we would have pushed Him away with our hands and feet and would never have even thought to attach ourselves to Him. Therefore, it is better when He is hidden.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 4/22/19

Related Material:
Bittersweet—Natural Analysis
Calibrating The Brain To The Truth
Calibrating The Heart of Sweetness — Bitterness

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