How Can We Attain The Upper World?

630.2Comment: To justify the Creator, we must understand His management. And to understand His management, we need to become similar to His attributes. It seems like a vicious circle.

My Response: No. Only in our egoistic world does it seem this way, but not in spirituality. There is no such thing as “in order to justify Him” in spirituality. In spirituality I work on the desires of love and bestowal, on the attribute of faith and not knowledge

I cannot attain spirituality by my ordinary understanding, by my mind and my corporeal feelings. I cannot limit spirituality inside me. Everything there happens differently than in the corporeal world where I understand the physics of it, its structure, etc., and I build a model in me and begin to somehow find my way around in it thinking that this is the world.

The spiritual world is not attained this way. It is attained outside of me, and I cannot limit it. If I do, it would not be the upper world but something that I made up.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah” 2/10/19

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