How Can The Creator Desire Suffering And Pain?

560Question: How can one come closer to the Creator after a serious trauma? How can the Creator desire this suffering and pain? Why and what for?

Answer: I cannot explain this to you. You must learn this by yourself, and gradually, precisely gradually, you will begin to see the true picture of the world. I do not even want to talk about this right now. You will not understand me, you will reject what I can tell you.

Question: Doesn’t the very presence of trauma prevent development?

Answer: No. It even encourages us.
From KabTV’s “Ask a Kabbalist” 12/31/18

Related Material:
Why Is The Creator So Cruel?
Is It Possible To Advance Without Suffering?
The Sufferings Are Different

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 2/2/21

Preparation to the Lesson

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Lesson on the Topic of “Mingling/Inclusion”

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Selected Highlights 

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