Know The Secret Of The Soul

250The New Zohar, “Song of Songs,” Item 483: To know and to observe the secret of the soul. What is the soul within him? Where does it come from and why does it come into this body, which is a foul drop that is here today and in the grave tomorrow? To know the world one is in, and for what the world will be corrected, to gaze upon the sublime secrets of the Upper World, and to know one’s Master. And one observes all that from within the secrets of the Torah.

A person must know absolutely the entire universe from beginning to end in all its metamorphoses, consequences, causes, and currents of all actions. I must understand how this system works, and most importantly, what I can do.

If I can do nothing, what difference does it make to me whether I understand The Book of Zohar more or less, whether I am at the mercy of fate and destiny. Yet, if I can change something, then how can I do that? This is very important.

Question: It is written “To know and to observe the secret of the soul. What is the soul within him? Where does it come from?” What does it mean “Where does it come from?”

Answer: If I understand how the system of the universe was created, then I will know why and for what reason, what the means is for my correction, my influence on it, and the correct inclusion into this system. In fact, I need to know everything.

Only complete knowledge of both the general and the particular, both the analysis and the synthesis of this within me, will lead me to correct, rational actions because I am included in the eternal system.

In our world, we will somehow survive for as many years as we are supposed to, and then we will depart. And this is the entrance to the eternal system. Moreover, you become included in enormous forces, in the influence on yourself and on others.

Only to the extent that you understand the spiritual system, only to the extent the inclination toward the right actions exist in you and you do not make mistakes, you gain access to this system and can do something in it.
From KabTV’s “The Power of The Book of Zohar” #2

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